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Fall Back: Change Your Clocks & Batteries

On Sunday, November 4th, Daylight Savings Time will fall back one hour. When changing your clocks it is also a great time to change the batteries in your smoke detector. Replacing old batteries with fresh, high quality batteries keep your smoke alarms ready to protect you and your precious loved ones all year long. According to the National Fire Protection Association, 71 percent of smoke alarm failures were caused by missing, disconnected or dead batteries. To protect your family make sure smoke alarms are installed in every room and batteries are changed at least once a year.

Test alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button. If a smoke alarm chirps, warning your battery is low, replace the battery right away. Another good reminder is to clean your smoke alarms, remove any dust or cobwebs from your smoke alarm, to help remain sensitive and ready to protect.

Most importantly, make sure you plan and practice your escape route. Children are at an increased risk during a home fire, because they often become scared and are unaware of what to do. Make sure your children know the sound of your smoke alarm and know how to get out if they sound. Always have two escape routes from every room and ensure every family member is aware of the plan. When a fire occurs, don’t delay get out quick and stay out!
If smoke alarms are older than 10 years, it is important to replace existing alarms with new smoke alarms. This includes hardwired alarms with a battery back-up system.

Another safety tip is to remember to change the batteries in your flashlights and keep them in working condition. Making sure your emergency flashlights are in working condition when you need them will help prevent injury in an event. Keep a flashlight near your bed, kitchen, basement, and family room year-round.

These fire safety tips can help protect you and your loved ones. Remember, when changing your clock, change your smoke detector batteries, cover your evacuation route, check flashlights, and batteries.